Dog food for dogs large breeds

Large breeds

If your dog weighs over 30 kg, choose Baltica food dedicated to dogs of large and giant breeds. A concentrated set of chondroprotective ingredients such as chondroitin and glucosamine will strengthen its joints, while the size of the croquet adjusted to the size of the jaw will make chewing easier. Here you will find dry food for Golden Retriver, Labrador, Bernardine, German Shepherd, Great Dane and Newfoundland.

Active filters

  • BALTICA Duck with Pear medium/large breeds 1kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large breeds 1kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Senior Vitality large breed 1kg


    Created on the basis of Polish fish (sprat, herring, flounder) with the addition of marine algae with powerful nutritional values ​​and Antarctic krill which is a source of astaxanthin and fatty acids (EFA). The low glycemic index of the food and the reduced fat content reduce the risk of obesity to which older dogs are exposed.

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  • BALTICA Duck with Pear medium/large breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 1kg BALTICA Duck with...
    • -zł5.00
    • Pack

    2 x 1kg BALTICA Duck with Pear medium/large breeds

    zł70.00 zł65.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • copy of BALTICA Turkey with...
    • -zł15.00
    • Pack

    copy of BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium breeds...

    zł538.00 zł523.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with...
    • -zł5.00
    • Pack

    2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large...

    zł60.00 zł55.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • Set of BALTICA Turkey with...
    • -zł5.00
    • Pack

    Set of BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large...

    zł72.90 zł67.90

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

Karma dla dużych psów – jaka powinna być?

Jeżeli jesteś szczęśliwym właścicielem Golden retrivera, Labradora, Bernardyna, Owczarka Niemieckiego, Doga czy Nowofundlanda, warto zdecydować się na karmy Baltica, które są dedykowane psom ras dużych i olbrzymich. Skoncentrowany zestaw składników chondroprotekcyjnych jak chondroityna, glukozamina wzmocnią stawy Twojego psa, a dodatek owoców takich jak gruszka czy czarna porzeczka sprawią, że będzie to ich ulubiony pokarm!

Propozycje karmy dla psa rasy dużej bądź olbrzymiej

W naszym asortymencie znajdziesz karmy pakowane w paczkach po 1 i 12 kg. Dzięki temu możesz zdecydować się na taki rozmiar, którego aktualnie potrzebujesz. Gdy karma posmakuje Twojemu psu, możesz również skorzystać z promocji, decydując się na zakup w większych zestawach.

Baltica kurczak z jabłkiem – to bezzbożowa, lekkostrawna karma stworzona na bazie delikatnego mięsa kurczaka z dodatkiem marchwi oraz owoców polskiej Jabłoni. Formuła wychodząca naprzeciw potrzebom ras średnich, dużych i olbrzymich została wzbogacona o kompleks substancji chondroprotekcyjnych warunkujących prawidłowe funkcjonowanie aparatu ruchu.

Baltica Łosoś dla hipoalergików – to pełnoporcjowa, wysoce odżywcza karma dla psów dorosłych klasy super premium. Hipoalergiczna formuła z łososiem i ziemniakami stworzona z myślą o psach z nietolerancją pokarmową, u których na skutek alergii i przewlekłych zaburzeń trawiennych mogło dojść do upośledzenia funkcji wchłaniania substancji odżywczych (obniżona ilość kosmków jelitowych oraz bakterii probiotycznych).

Baltica Senior Vitality – to wysokoodżywcza, bezzbożowa karma klasy super premium dla psów starszych, ras średnich i dużych.  Stworzona na bazie polskich ryb (szprot, śledź, flądra) z dodatkiem alg morskich o potężnych walorach odżywczych i kryla antarktycznego będącego źródłem astaksantyny oraz kwasów tłuszczowych (NNKT). Niski indeks glikemiczny karmy oraz obniżona zawartość tłuszczu pozwalają na zmniejszenie ryzyka otyłości, na którą narażone są psy w starszym wieku.