Fish-free dry food

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  • BALTICA Duck with Pear small breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to small breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Duck with Pear medium/large breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin small breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to small breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large breeds 12kg


    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 12kg BALTICA Duck with...
    • -zł15.00
    • Pack

    2 x 12kg BALTICA Duck with Pear small breeds

    zł558.00 zł543.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to small breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 1kg BALTICA Duck with...
    • -zł5.00
    • Pack

    2 x 1kg BALTICA Duck with Pear medium/large breeds

    zł70.00 zł65.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2x1kg BALTICA Duck with...
    • -zł3.00
    • Pack

    2x1kg BALTICA Duck with Pear small breeds

    zł70.00 zł67.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed based on delicious duck meat with the addition of Polish pear and blackcurrant fruit. Dedicated to small breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with...
    • -zł3.00
    • Pack

    2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin small breeds

    zł60.00 zł57.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to small breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

  • 2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with...
    • -zł5.00
    • Pack

    2 x 1kg BALTICA Turkey with pumpkin medium/large...

    zł60.00 zł55.00

    Grain-free, monoprotein feed with turkey and pumpkin is dedicated to dogs with a small or medium activity and sensitive digestive system. Dedicated to medium and large breed dogs, it is the foundation of a nutritious, highly digestible, perfectly balanced diet based on one type of meat, thanks to which it is perfectly accepted by dogs showing hypersensitivity or allergy to foods containing several sources of animal proteins.

Co wyróżnia karmy Baltica?

Składy karm “Smaki Regionów”, które nie zawierają ryb, zostały zainspirowane tradycyjnymi produktami wsi Polskiej. Dostarczane przez lokalnych rolników owoce, warzywa oraz zioła tworzą wyjątkowo smaczne kompozycje posiłków pełnych prozdrowotnych właściwości. Receptury charakteryzują się zastosowaniem wysokiej jakości suszonych mięs, które gwarantują optymalną ilość łatwo przyswajalnego białka. Formuły opracowane z udziałem jednego rodzaju mięsa są doskonale akceptowane przez psy wykazujące nadwrażliwość oraz alergie na pokarmy zawierające w składzie kilka źródeł protein zwierzęcych. 

Na jaką karmę warto się zdecydować?

Dla małych psów polecamy karmę Baltica Kaczka z Gruszką. To bezzbożowa, monoproteinowa karma stworzona na bazie wybornego mięsa kaczki z dodatkiem owoców polskiej gruszki oraz czarnej porzeczki. Dedykowana psom ras małych stanowi fundament odżywczej, wysoko strawnej, doskonale zbilansowanej diety stworzonej z udziałem jednego rodzaju mięsa.

Dla psów raz średnich i dużych mamy z kolei dwie propozycje. Pierwsza z nich to również karma oparta o kaczkę i gruszkę, jak w przypadku ras małych. Tu różnica polega na wielkości krakersa jakiego podajemy psu oraz na zawartości składników odżywczych. Druga propozycja to – równie smaczna – bezzbożowa, lekkostrawna karma stworzona na bazie delikatnego mięsa kurczaka z dodatkiem marchwi oraz owoców polskiej Jabłoni. Formuła ta wychodzi naprzeciw potrzebom ras średnich, dużych i olbrzymich. W tym celu została wzbogacona o kompleks substancji chondroprotekcyjnych warunkujących prawidłowe funkcjonowanie aparatu ruchu.

Przewagą marki Baltica jest również fakt, że wszystkie nasze karmy są wolne od składników mogących być potencjalnymi alergenami takich jak: gluten, groch, konserwanty, zboża (w tym ryż) oraz znajdujące się w nich pestycydy.

Karmę możesz kupić w paczce 1 kilogram lub 12 kilogramów, gdy Twój pies pokocha ją tak jak my!